aAr # TeaM O ClaN qUe DetoNa |
Entre Sempre em Nosso Site , Team Speak , Comunidade no Orkut, Comunidade na Steam, Server de Counter-Strike 1.6
Colocando Anti Ping em seu Servidor (HIGH PING KICKER)
O High Ping Kicker possibilita estabelecer um limite de ping em seu servidor, fazendo desta forma um controle sobre quem irá ficar em seu servidor, evitando muitas vezes o temido "lag" cotidiano.
Extraia o arquivo hpk.amx para a pasta cstrikeaddonsamxplugins .
Vá na pasta cstrikeaddonsamxconfig e abra o arquivo plugins.ini que estará desta forma:
QUOTE ; AMX Mod plugins
; To disable any plugin, add a semi-colon ';' to the beginning of its line
; You can disable the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler with the 'nojit' keyword:
; pluginname.amx nojit
; (read the docs for more details)
; Note: you don't need to declare csstats.amx here (CSStats will load it)
language.amx ; language management
admin.amx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_mysql.amx ; admin base - MySQL version (comment admin.amx)
admincmd.amx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amx ; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amx ; slot reservation
menufront.amx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
restmenu.amx ; restrict weapons menu
mapsmenu.amx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
antiflood.amx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
adminchat.amx ; console chat commands
adminvote.amx ; vote commands
nextmap.amx ; displays next map in mapcycle
timeleft.amx ; displays time left on map
mapchooser.amx ; allows to vote for next map
scrollmsg.amx ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amx ; displays information messages
welcomemsg.amx ; console motd @ client connection
statsx.amx ; stats on death or round end (CSStats Module required!)
stats_logging.amx ; weapons stats logging (CSStats Module required!)
telemenu.amx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
miscstats.amx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
pausecfg.amx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
; Add custom plugins below
Após ; Add custom plugins below adicione hpk.amx salve e feche o arquivo.
O plugin já está configurado para kikar jogadores com o ping acima de 170, para alterar esse limite será necessário compilar novamente o código fonte, em breve estarei criando um tutorial para tal façanha... |
"Big;Mouth" |
aAr vS [LrD] --> WIN
aAr vS rL[x] ~* --> WIN
aAr vS XPeRiEnCe --> WIN
aAr vS Mutley --> Loser
aAr vS zM'.IllusioN --> WIN
aAr vS mXr # Team --> WIN
aAr vS Dinamite # Team --> WIN
aAr vS Kls.TeaM --> WIN
aAr vS MK --> WIN
aAr vS ImgBurn* --> WIN
aAr vS $0N@J@C@ --> WIN
aAr vS CsT^.Br --> WIN
aAr vS [sTk] --> WIN
aAr vS WD’Gaming --> WIN
aAr vS OwN’Team --> WIN
aAr vS aLk --> WIN
aAr vS mgX --> WIN
aAr vS ELITE --> WIN
aAr vS DigitaL --> WIN
aAr vS FiTH^BR --> WIN
aAr vS I.[G] --> WIN
aAr vS ProFire --> WIN
aAr vS gG --> WIN
aAr vS wN.tm --> WIN
aAr vS FnTasTic[br] --> WIN
aAr vS Cba.Team --> WIN
aAr vS PowerGuidos’S --> WIN
aAr vS dnmt --> WIN
aAr vS TnT --> WIN
aAr vS sD.br --> WIN
aAr vS CveL --> WIN
aAr vS sD.br --> WIN
aAr vS exp --> WIN
aAr vS fntastic --> WIN
aAr vS DMC --> WIN
aAr vS mwiCS --> WIN
aAr vS wN.tm --> WIN
aAr vS P.K’TeaM --> WIN
aAr vS PwG’S --> WIN
aAr vS MKF --> Loser
aAr vS MKF --> WIN
aAr vS Pro.EvolutiON --> WIN
aAr vS [-CS-]’KiNgS --> WIN
aAr vS estK --> WIN
aAr vS scp's --> WIN
aAr vS Aven[G]er’s --> WIN
aAr vS [M]sT --> WIN
aAr vS VoltagE --> WIN
aAr vS kill.enemy --> WIN
aAr vS TeRr --> WIN
aAr vS Pker --> WIN
aAr vS Dr.Br --> WIN
aAr vS e4 --> WIN
aAr vS K.O.N --> WIN
aAr vS Nap.br --> WIN
aAr vS ChArp’S --> WIN
aAr vS gG --> WIN
aAr vS vTg --> WIN
aAr vS cQc --> WIN
aAr vS NPS --> WIN
aAr vS 3xT --> WIN
aAr vS vTg --> WIN
aAr vS MKF --> WIN
aAr vS imf --> WIN
aAr vS unt --> WIN
aAr vS GAP --> WIN
aAr vS Owned --> WIN
aAr vS NPS --> WIN
aAr vS gG --> WIN
aAr vS e[F] --> WIN
aAr vS expert --> WIN
aAr vS gH --> WIN
aAr vS pnx --> WIN
aAr vS HdP --> WIN
aAr vS Cyber --> Loser
aAr vS ap --> WIN
aAr vS GAP --> WIN
aAr vS 3D Team --> WIN
aAr vS unt --> WIN
aAr vS Own.br --> WIN
aAr vS C.Train --> WIN
aAr vS rOx.Br --> WIN
aAr vS sXn --> WIN
aAr vS cobr --> WIN
aAr vS 3D.Team --> WIN
aAr vS Avangers --> WIN
aAr vS Progressive --> WIN
aAr vS ppL’s --> WIN
aAr vS minT --> WIN
aAr vS WtD --> WIN
aAr vS ST --> WIN
aAr vS P.M.B --> WIN
aAr vS cOw --> WIN
aAr vS X-t3r.Br --> WIN
aAr vS cOw --> WIN |